Tuesday, June 5, 2007

BIRD PARTY (flood irrigation brings on a)

Yes all of the local birds came out the last couple of days for the feasting when the fields fill up. Even our local female turkey got into the act, but was annoyed by an amorous pheasant. ....Hard to get close and get nice pics without a longer lens--which I have on my 35mm--but that's a bit slow for here...Nice to see some birds about that haven't visited in a few weeks....We've all been setting lots of siphons lately.
The sunchokes are doing nicely.

Well, now - there's another use for those old pitchforks we have in that barrel in the yard....
New patio/porch under way...

Some nice recipes to clip out for your index card recipe file book. Or scrapbook. You all have one of those, right? Anyhoo - I often pull a few extra images at almost random from my library and the Hillbilly Recipes book called out to me today:
A bit of the old hunt and peck.
Those bad chickens! I want to shoot some more pics this week to show how enormous they are getting...some are nearly 5 foot now and show no signs of slowing down. It's totally like Food Of The Gods.
Steam generators are as hip as ever. they make new ones in Missouri. These could've helped out during Katrina a heck of a lot. This is quite the setup that this lady has! Banging out some big loads of laundry.

Again on the topic of random things popping up in books, the above image grabbed me yesterday and the caption also was interesting. Here it is from the 1934 issue, cover by John Howitt:------------
"Over the whole continent, little children clung whimpering to the skirts of distraught mothers, crying piteously for food. One of the most brilliant men in America, a national figure--backed by a powerful, efficient organization--drunk on ambition and the promise of supreme power, controlled all the reserve supplies of the land. Hosts of voracious insects, bred at his command, were laying the plains waste, devouring all green things. Incendiarism and lootings daily depleted the shrinking store of government-owned foodstuffs. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse laughed in their saddles as they thundered their mocking call of doom--forewarning the slavery of a proud race of men. One man alone--Jimmy Christopher--can check their wild onslaught. Only he, Operator 5, can outwit the madman monarch!"

Just like our place...
The combine all lubed-up, hooked-up, and ready to go get those grains.


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